As a member organization, PSEF has become intimately familiar with the specific challenges our members face in accessing project finance. PSEF has designed loan products that are affordable, flexible and responsive to the particular needs of member CBSD’s. Our loan products range from Pre-development loans to cover early project expenses, Bridge Loans to support members in leveraging Federal Investment Tax Credits, and are continuously evolving in response to member needs.
PSEF Membership
Become a Member. Join us.
Membership Benefits
- Access to affordable, flexible financing for community solar projects that contribute to the mission of PSEF
- Access to a range of technical assistance to advance community-based solar projects
- Access capacity building and training opportunities
- Participate in peer-to-peer networking activities
- Access shared products and services for
- Provide advice and feedback to the Board on the operations and governance of PSEF
- Play a role in PSEF governance by participating as Board, Committee or Working Group Member, and establishing direction for PSEF offerings
- Establish the criteria for the Board to use as it allocates funds to member projects
PSEF places an emphasis on projects benefiting working-class and low-income communities; Black, Indigenous, immigrant and other communities of color; and communities on the frontlines of environmental and energy injustice. We prioritize these communities in order to promote equitable wealth building, climate justice and a more democratic economy.
We are committed to transparency, inclusion, and racial and economic justice. We are committed to operating in accordance with the following principles:
• The Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing
• The Just Transition Principles
PSEF commits to advancing capital and making lending and other capital decisions in accordance with non-extractive lending practices.Eligible Groups
Groups that are eligible to join PSEF as full Members will:
- Support the mission of PSEF
- Commit to the success of all other PSEF Members and work together in this spirit of mutual support
- Have cooperative, non-profit, or municipal structures, or be tribal entities or native community-based organizations
- Have a governance structure that is responsible to and represented by at least one clearly identifiable low-income or working class and/or Black, Indigenous or People of Color (BIPOC) communities OR shows demonstrable commitment and a history of working directly with low-income or working class and/or BIPOC communities to support community-based ownership of solar energy projects
- Be planning to or already developing community-based solar projects promoting community ownership in partnership with local community leaders

Project Capital & Organizational Support
A core component of PSEF’s work is providing flexible, affordable capital for member projects, as well as connecting members to non-extractive financing partners for additional project capital. We work to support members in getting their projects off the ground in a manner that honors their commitment to community benefits. PSEF continuously explores new integrated capital solutions to support the innovative, community-driven solar models being piloted by our members.
PSEF Loan Offerings
PSEF Credit Enhancements
In addition to PSEF’s Loan offerings, PSEF offers access to credit enhancements through our aligned capital partners. The guarantee not only supports eligible members in securing additional project capital at lower costs, but also enables PSEF to support members in piloting new business models.
PSEF Mini-Grants
A further challenge facing CBSD’s in underserved communities is the difficulty in accessing flexible funding to explore project viability or cover gaps in capital at various stages. In many instances capital is required to support community organizing, hire staff, establish project entities or cover similar expenses. In response to this need for often critical funds, PSEF has introduced a Mini-grants program to support member CBSDs to cover vital operating and community organizing expenses. These mini-grants are targeted at groups that are at very early stages of project development, but require resources for organizing work, business modeling, entity establishment, organizational capacity and have been critical for many groups in moving projects along.

Project Technical Assistance
As an organization committed to the growth of community-led solar projects, PSEF invests in the success of member projects. We do so, not only through the provision of capital, but by providing members access to Technical Assistance (TA), throughout the project lifecycle. Operating as a resource commons, PSEF offers TA ranging from grant application support, to financial modeling, to legal and policy advice. PSEF aims to support members at all stages of the project development cycle, while also creating a space for members to share their expertise along the way.
Financial Modeling Technical Assistance
PSEF currently offers Financial Modeling Technical Assistance. PSEF’s Financial Modeling Working Group has developed a template Financial Model designed to assist members in modeling and evaluating the financial viability of community solar projects.
The Financial Model will be made available to members in the context of PSEF Technical Assistance, with ongoing guidance and support provided to members.
Additional Technical Assistance
PSEF’s legal counsel provides memos to PSEF Members outlining the process and requirements for applying to federal programs. Also, PSEF Staff prepares guidelines and holds office hours to help Members with their applications.

Shared Products & Services
As a member organization committed to a growth in equitable models of community solar, PSEF works with members to identify and offer shared products and services that lower project costs through economies of scale and drive efficiencies. PSEF’s sister cooperative, People’s Solar Energy Cooperative (PSEC), was established to support members in accessing these products and services. Eligible members are currently able to access group insurance and participate in a guarantee program through PSEC.
Insurance Buying Group
PSEF started an Insurance Buying Group to save PSEF members money and provide access to insurance for otherwise uninsurable solar projects.
PSEF’s current insurance pool provides access to umbrella, general liability and property insurance for 18 projects.
Community Investment Guarantee Pool (CIGP)
PSEF participates in CIGP to provide a guarantee for the member projects that will help unlock some capital opportunities.
About CIGPs: “Difference-making projects across the country often struggle to secure the capital they need from traditional financial institutions. To get off the ground, they might require a guarantee from an established partner to unlock capital to the places where it’s needed most; philanthropies can be that partner.” Learn more about CIGPs.

Community of Practice / Resource Commons
One of the greatest benefits of PSEF Membership is being a part of a larger community of mission-aligned developers advancing energy democracy.
With groups spanning across the country and at varying stages of project development, PSEF members learn from each other, share experience and commit to the success of not only their projects, the success of all PSEF member projects. PSEF serves as a platform for members to engage with other developers, gain access to replicable models and contribute to a resource commons that will further support the growing movement for inclusive and equitable community-led solar projects.